CMAC Dapo is assisting all students, parents, and families during the COVD-19 pandemic. Original message published on March 13, 2020 Message updated on March 27, 2022CMAC Dapo is assisting all students, parents, and families during the COVD-19 pandemic.
Original message published on March 13, 2020
Message updated on March 27, 2022
Message updated on March 27, 2022
Greetings parents, students, families:
I am reaching out to you all in an effort to lessen the growing uncertainty concerning this worldwide enemy in the form of a virus. It is my hope that you are all healthy and well, and perhaps are discovering inner strength and outer compassion for each other during this unique battle—one we will win together through active passive means, or in other words, not spreading the virus by staying home.
I would like to inform you of the freezing of all payments during our school’s closure, applicable to payments between March 21 until the date classes resume. All enrolments will also be frozen until we are able to safely reopen. To be clear, no time will be lost for anyone. Please note that March 16–20 was a scheduled closure for March Break, meaning those days were not included in your enrolment from the beginning.
I would like to inform you of the freezing of all payments during our school’s closure, applicable to payments between March 21 until the date classes resume [1]. All enrolments will also be frozen until we are able to safely reopen. To be clear, no time will be lost for anyone. Please note that March 16–20 was a scheduled closure for March Break, meaning those days were not included in your enrolment from the beginning [2].
As a student and teacher of martial arts, I see this obstacle as an enemy like any other, seen or not. As a great master of this principle taught in a book called The Book of Five Rings (a great read), we must “perceive the enemy that cannot be seen, defeat it where it does not expect.”
In this battle we use weapons of patience, fortitude, faith, and temperance. This is a real learning opportunity for our children and us all in how to to truly fight together, so that everyone wins.
Along with handwashing, working from home, self-quarantine, and physical distancing strategies come challenges of character. From a classical martial arts perspective, it is in our example our children will learn to discover their own.
Follow health protocols, stay at home, work from home, do not leave unless absolutely necessary. By governing yourself you are doing your part in defeating this enemy, which allows us all to get back to operating normally sooner than later.
In the spirit of health and strength,
Head Director of Dapo
And all faculty and staff
March 13, 2020
The way is in training!
- Update to this message: This message was created in March 2020, and monthly updates regarding classes and fees have been provided since that time, up to the present, related to COVID-19. ↩︎
- Time credit and payment credits due to COVID-19 are no longer provided as of March 31, 2022. We have fulfilled all of our responsibilities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. ↩︎