A complete series of 7 incredibly helpful karate books that provide readers, especially beginners, the insights and examples to lay a firm foundation to further progress in the art of karate. Authored by Chet Dixon, Kyoshi 8º.
CMAC Goju Budo Volumes I–VII
“This first graphic and literary effort by one of my longest training students Chet Dixon, provides the reader, especially an absolute beginner, the insights and examples to lay a firm foundation to further progress in the art of karate. This—as one will see through text and graphics—is not accomplished on a physical level only, but also includes the integration of body, mind, and most important of all spirit: ken, zen, damashi.
Anyone who has sweated in the dojo along with [the author Kyoshi Chet Dixon] recognize and highly respect the spirit he puts behind his natural and developed abilities. [These books] are an example of his spirit and passion for the training. His hope is to share with others the classical martial arts experience that he has embodied and imparts to his own students.”
— Hanshi WM Platt
President of Classical Martial Arts Canada
Edited preface to CMAC Goju Budo Vol 1