The Creating Safe Spaces seminar, held on May 7 at the Mississauga dojo, was taught by CWO (Ret’d) Paradis and further solidified several directives of CMAC Dapo such as our vision-mission, higher-arching directives, and codes of conduct.
CMAC Dapo instructors, students, and guests gathered for a Safe Spaces seminar to discuss and converse about appropriate and inappropriate conduct, as applied in the dojo and outside.
The seminar, held on May 7 at the Mississauga dojo, was taught by CWO (Ret’d) Paradis and further solidified several directives of CMAC Dapo:
• Vision-Mission
• Higher-Arching Directives
• Instructor Code
• Black Belt Code
And more standards you can expect at the school.
View all the CMAC Dapo mandates on our Notion page
Note that attendance in this Safe Spaces seminar was mandatory for all instructors and staff.
We welcome everyone’s feedback and comments on the policies above. We hope to see you at the next CMAC Dapo event soon!