Learn more about Mr Roman Gaite, arnis instructor and administrator for CMAC Dapo!
Instructor · CMAC Dapo
Administrator · CMAC Dapo
Modern Arnis Tapi-Tapi – Taga-akay / Brown 3 (IMAFP-MATTI)
Pintados Combat System – Instructor level
Mr. Roman has been training arnis for more than 10 years. He was first exposed to martial arts when he took arnis as his course elective at the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines in 2009. Afterwards, he immediately decided that weapons-based martial arts will be his lifelong passion. He joined CMAC Dapo’s arnis program (MATTI Canada) in 2015.
He continues his martial arts journey by expanding his knowledge and understanding of arnis through training in other systems, most notably the Pintados Combat System, Oido De Sungkudan Negros, Bahad Zu’Bu, Sayoc Kali, Balintawak, and Wing Chun. His personal martial arts motto is knowledge through understanding. Mr. Roman is also a recreational foil fencer under the Ontario Fencing Association.
He assists in teaching CMAC Dapo’s arnis program weekly and also assists students and parents as an administrator for the school.